ShootingBets monitors Pinnacle odds and sends alerts via Telegram when it detects a significant drop in odds, indicating opportunities to bet on traditional bookmakers, who are usually slower to react, before they adjust their odds.
You can register through this link: It is necessary to have a Telegram account and previously be registered at
Registration is free, but you will receive a limited number of alerts. With a paid Premium account, you will receive all alerts without limitation.
You need to be registered with and have a Telegram account, which is free and easy to create at In addition, it is advisable to have as many accounts as possible with traditional bookmakers to take advantage of the alerts.
When Pinnacle drops its odds, ShootingBets sends an alert with the recommended minimum odds. The aim is to try to bet at traditional bookmakers at odds above this minimum odds before they adjust their odds.
Alerts include recommended minimum odds for specific events and, in some cases, alternative minimum odds for related handicap markets.
We do not recommend betting below the recommended minimum odds, as good results cannot be guaranteed.
Alternative markets and alternative odds are offered in some alerts to help when your bookmaker does not have the same handicap selection available, providing additional options to bet on.
It is not necessary to bet on all alerts. You can select the ones that best suit your availability and betting strategy.
The time available varies from bookmaker to bookmaker, some adjust their odds more quickly than others, but you need to act quickly to place your bet before your bookie reacts and adjusts the odds.